HGD 101: Human Growth and Development

Credits 3
Contact Hours
Human Growth and Development addresses the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors associated with supporting and promoting optimal growth and development of infants and children. The course provides the student with a basic understanding of the person as a biological, psychological, and sociological being. It is imperative that professionals in the medical occupations understand the concepts of development throughout the life span. Application of the principles of safe and effective care is guided by the understanding of normal and expected development at different stages throughout the person’s life. This course emphasizes the importance of development from conception to death. Topics that may be addressed include principles of physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and moral development; human needs across the ages, stages of childhood, the impact of family and societal crisis on the development of the individual, the normal developmental crises of aging, puberty, career decisions, dating, marriage, parenthood, loss, and death.