Critical information:
- Schools are responsible for assessing bomb threats to determine credibility.
- All bomb threats must be taken seriously until they are assessed.
- The decision whether or not to evacuate rests with the institution, not the responding agencies, unless a device is located.
Procedures upon receiving a bomb threat:
By phone call:
- Remain calm.
- Do not hang up. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible and listen carefully.
Ask the following questions:
- Where is the bomb/chemical or other hazard?
- When will it explode/be activated?
- What does it look like?
- What kind of bomb/hazard is it?
- What will cause it to explode/activate?
- What is your name?
- Did YOU place the bomb/hazard? WHY?
- Where are you?
Exact wording of the threat:
If voice is familiar, who did it sound like?
Male | Female | Adult | Juvenile | Age: |
Caller ID information: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Call origin. Circle One:
Local | Long Distance | Internal | Cell phone |
Caller’s voice. (Note pattern of speech, type of voice, tone) Circle all that apply:
Calm | Excited | Loud | Soft | Deep | Nasal |
Raspy | Distinct | Slurred | Normal | Crying | Laughter |
Slow | Rapid | Disguised | Accent | Lisp | Stutter |
Drunken | Familiar | Incoherent | Deep breathing |
Background sounds. Circle all that apply:
Voices | Airplanes | Street noises | Trains | Quiet |
Clear | Static | Animals | Party | Vehicles |
Horns | House noises | PA system | Music | Factory machines |
Motor | Phone booth | Other: |
Threat language. Circle all that apply:
Well-spoken (educated) | Foul | Taped | Incoherent | Irrational | Message read from script |
Did the caller indicate knowledge of the building? Give specifics:
Person receiving call: ___________________________________________________________________________
Phone number where call received: ____________________________________________________________
By written note:
- Preserve evidence.
- Place note in plastic bag, if available.
- Photograph words written on walls.
- Notify College President or Management Team Member.
- Notify law enforcement.
The College President or Management Team Member orders evacuation or other actions according to threat assessment and school policy.
Caution: Overreacting may encourage additional threats.
Scanning process considerations:
- Scan classrooms and common areas for suspicious items. Scans should be made by people who are familiar with the building. Assign staff to certain areas of the building. Keep in mind that a bomb could be placed anywhere on school property — inside or outside.
- Any suspicious devices, packages, etc., should be pointed out to emergency responders. Do not touch.
- Once a device is located, emergency responders take responsibility for it.
Evacuation considerations:
- If a decision is made to evacuate, an announcement will be made. Do not use cell phones, radios or fire alarm system because of risk of activating a device.
- While notification is being made, other staff should survey the grounds to clear exits and areas where students and staff will be going. Exit routes should be altered accordingly if the location of the device is known.
- When evacuating, leave everything as-is. Leave room doors either unlocked or open. Instructors take class roster.
Bomb squads generally will not search a building unless a suspicious package has been located.