Definition of Quarter Credit Hour/Academic Year (Non-Nursing)

The Institution measures and awards credits using quarter credit hours (except for Nursing and LPN to RN Bridge Pathway programs). These programs operate on a quarter term calendar year. A quarter term is between 10 and 12 weeks in length.The definition of an academic year for Title IV purposes is 36 quarter credit hours and 30 weeks.

Credit will be calculated based on the following credit hour equivalencies: One quarter credit hour equals, at a minimum, 10 classroom hours of lecture, 20 hours of laboratory, and 30 hours of practicum.

A standard contact/class hour is generally 50 minutes in length and appropriate breaks. A student is considered to be full-time when carrying 12 or more credit hours per term. 

East Ohio College measures its non-Nursing coursework and programs exclusively in standard quarters. In order to best serve the institution’s diverse student body, each course (subject) may be offered at a variety of times, days or weeks within each standard quarter. All courses (subjects) begin and end within a quarter. A new quarter begins approximately every six weeks. Please see the school calendar for quarter begin and end dates.

Note: Computational conversion formula could result in a .2 or .3 credit hour difference