Harassment Policy

This Institution recognizes its responsibility to all employees and students to maintain an environment free from all forms of discrimination and conduct which can be considered harassing, abusive, coercive or disruptive, including harassment related to a person’s sex, age, race, national origin, religion or disability. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, verbal abuse, suggestive comments, inappropriate gestures or physical contact.

Any employee or student who feels he/she has a complaint of harassment (whether engaged in by a co-worker, supervisor, teacher, staff member, or anyone dealing with the Institution as a vendor or otherwise), should discuss the matter with the College President. If for any reason the employee or student cannot discuss the situation, or does not feel comfortable discussing the situation with the College President, then the individual should call the General Counsel’s Office at (304) 296-8284 and ask for the General Counsel. If the employee or student does contact the College President and is not satisfied with the College President’s actions, then the General Counsel should also be called. Confidentiality will be protected as much as feasible while still being able to investigate the complaint. No retribution will be taken against any employee or student because of his/her complaint.  Any employee or student having found to have violated this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

All employees and students or others associated with this Institution who are aware of any incidents of harassment (other than sexual harassment which is covered in the section above “Title IX Sexual Harassment”) in the work place are responsible for reporting such incidents directly to the College President or to the General Counsel. In doing so, the Institution will work together with all involved to establish and maintain a pleasant working environment free of discrimination or harassment, where each individual strives to treat all others fairly and with respect.