MHP 101: Math for Health Professionals

Credits 2.5
Contact Hours
This course is designed to enable students planning careers in health professions to become familiar, confident, and proficient with the arithmetic, mathematical reasoning, and related terminology frequently encountered in health-related fields. This course addresses the practical application of mathematics needed for accurate medication administration and prepares the student with the mathematical skills required for the basic computing functions of various health occupations. It is designed to teach the health care professional student, mathematics needed to calculate medication doses for oral and parenteral medications. An intense focus on safe medication administration across the lifespan is incorporated throughout the course providing instruction in dosage calculation using ratio to proportion as well as other means of calculation related to medication. Topics include; interpretation of drug labels, syringe types, conversions, roman numerals, reconstitution and apothecaries, mixing medications, IV flow rates, drip rates, interpretation of physician orders and transcribing to Medication Administration Records and proper documentation of medications as well as the Six Rights of Medication administration and military time.