- Cancellation:
By the Applicant – If within five days of signing the enrollment agreement an applicant would like to cancel his/her contract and receive a full refund of all tuition and fees paid, he/she must submit in writing, email or certified mail, to the College President notice of intent to cancel. The refund will be sent to the last address on record with the institution unless the written notice of cancellation provides an alternative.
By the Institution - An applicant who is accepted for admission may have his/her enrollment cancelled at the discretion of the Institution not later than forty-five (45) calendar days after the start of scheduled classes in the applicant’s first payment period in school. This cancellation provision applies ONLY to students in their FIRST payment period of a first time enrollment. Applicants whose enrollment is cancelled will be given a full refund of all monies paid for first payment period tuition and Educational/Resource fees. Five (5) days after the date the enrollment agreement is signed, the application fee and the seat fee are non-refundable. Students who continue attending classes in second or subsequent school payment periods (or after the 45-day cancellation period in the first payment period) and then drop out or are dismissed are subject to the refund policy described in the catalog which is available on the campus website or will be provided upon request. The cancellation period may be extended by the institution if it determines there are extenuating circumstances. - Cancellation after Re-enrollment: An applicant who is accepted for re-enrollment may have his/her re-enrollment cancelled not later than 5 business days after signing the re-enrollment agreement. Applicants whose re-enrollment is cancelled will be given a full refund of all monies paid for the re-enrollment payment period only. The cancellation period may be extended by the institution if it determines there are extenuating circumstances.
- Cancellation after Program Change: An applicant who changes programs may have his/her enrollment in the new program cancelled not later than 5 business days after signing the program change enrollment agreement. Applicants whose program change enrollment is cancelled will be given a full refund of all monies paid for the first payment period of the new program only. The cancellation period may be extended by the institution if it determines there are extenuating circumstances.
- Refund – Students are charged tuition for each payment period during which they attend class. A student who begins classes and then withdraws, or is terminated, prior to the end of a payment period will receive a refund of tuition and fees for that payment period in accordance with the standards described below. (1) For a student withdrawing from school during the first full week of the payment period, the tuition charges refunded by the institution shall be 75% of the tuition and fees of the payment period. (2) For a student withdrawing from school during the second full week of the payment period, the tuition charges refunded by the institution shall be 50% of the tuition and fees for the payment period. (3) For a student withdrawing from school during the third full week of the payment period, the tuition charges refunded by the institution shall be 25% of the tuition and fees for the payment period. (4) For a student withdrawing from school during or after the fourth full week of the payment period, the student is entitled to no refund. (5) The refund shall apply only to that payment period (the payment period in which the student discontinued attendance prior to the end of the payment period); tuition and fees for all prior payment periods have been earned and are not subject to refund. Refunds will be made only of tuition actually charged, received, and retained by the institution. The institution will retain tuition equal to the tuition charged for the payment period, less the refund as calculated in this policy. (6) Refunds will be made to the program, public or private entity or student as described elsewhere in this policy, and in accordance with the rules of any financial assistance program from which the student received aid.
- Computation of Refund: For purposes of computing the amount of refund due, if any, for students who discontinue attendance for any reason after enrollment and commencement of classes, the last date of attendance from the Institution will be used in the computation of the student’s refund. The last date of attendance is defined as the last day a student had an academic-related activity. The institution will begin the refund process no later than 45 days after the date of determination (DOD). If a student begins the official withdrawal process or provides official notification to the school of his or her intent to withdraw, the DOD will be the date the student began the official withdrawal process or the date of the student notification, whichever is later. If a student did not begin the official withdrawal process or provide a notification of his or her intent to withdraw, the DOD would be the date the institution became aware that the student ceased attendance.
- Applicability of Refund Policy: This refund policy shall apply to all situations in which a student ceases attending classes prior to graduation whether such cessation is the result of the student’s voluntary decision to withdraw, the expulsion of the student by the Institution, or reasons beyond the control of either party.
- Notifications of Withdrawal or Cancellation: Notifications of withdrawal or cancellation and requests for refund must be in writing and addressed to the College President; however, failure to make such written notification or requests shall not invalidate the student’s rights under this contract to withdraw, cancel enrollment or receive the refund to which the student would otherwise be entitled.
Tuition Refund Illustration (East Ohio College)