Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics
Annual Campus Safety and Security Report
July 1, 2024
East Ohio College complies with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). The Clery Act requires colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near campus.
EAST OHIO COLLEGE also complies with the Violence against Women Act of 2013 (VAWA). VAWA amends the Clery Act and was designed by advocates along with victims/survivors and championed by a bi-partisan coalition in congress as a companion to Title IX that will bolster the response to and prevention of sexual violence in higher education. VAWA established federal legal definitions of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. In 2013, the Campus SaVE (Sexual Violence Elimination Act) Act amended the Clery Act to mandate extensive “primary prevention and awareness programs” regarding sexual misconduct and related offenses.
This Campus Safety and Security Report outlines the institution’s policies and procedures regarding the Clery Act and the VAWA.
The institution encourages all students and employees to read the material carefully. Your rights and responsibilities to campus safety and consequences and possible sanctions for violating campus safety policies are described in the sections below.
East Ohio College’s Commitment to Safety and Crime Prevention
East Ohio College has developed programs to bolster safety and overall well-being for the entire campus community including all students, instructional staff, and employees. We all play an active part in improving the quality of campus life by taking personal responsibility for our own conduct as well as looking out for our fellow students and employees by reporting any possible safety violations.
As important members of the campus community, we are required to follow the laws of the United States and the State of West Virginia and to abide by the policies and procedures set forth by the institution. Any violations may result in disciplinary action.
The institution follows federal laws and annually publishes and distributes reportable crimes statistics (as required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act)) for the three most recent calendar years. These statistics can be found in Section 5 of this report.
Safety and Security Team Members
The institution’s Title IX Coordinator is trained to respond to and investigate any allegations of sexual misconduct and identify any patterns or systemic problems revealed by any complaints.
The Title IX Coordinator at this institution can be reached at:
East Ohio College
Attn: Ashley Marra, Assistant Legal Counsel
3280 University Ave., Suite 6
Morgantown, WV 26505
If the Title IX Coordinator is not immediately available, the Campus President will serve as the campus security authority. The Campus President will then report any allegation to the Title IX Coordinator.
Memorandum of Understanding with Local Law Enforcement
East Ohio College does not have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the local law enforcement agency or other security personnel. No one at the institution has the authority to make arrests. Each year, the institution requests crime statistics from the local law enforcement agency. Any crimes reported with be included in the annual crime statistics disclosures. Also each year, the institution invites local law enforcement to the campus to make a presentation on campus crime awareness and prevention.
Allegations of crimes occurring on campus or immediately adjacent to campus should be first reported to local law enforcement by dialing 911. The allegations should also be reported to the Title IX Coordinator for compilation and inclusion in the annual report of crime statistics or to determine if there is a need to provide a timely warning.
Review of Safety Programs
The institution will periodically review all campus safety and security programs to ensure continuing compliance with Clery Act and VAWA. Any recommendations and improvements will be incorporated into this report and distributed to the entire campus community. EAST OHIO COLLEGE provides educational programs that review campus safety and security programs on a regular basis.
Reporting Criminal Activity
Should a crime occur on campus, the person knowledgeable about the crime is encouraged to accurately and promptly report the activity to the Title IX Coordinator and to the local law enforcement agency. Should the Title IX Coordinator be unavailable, report the incident to the Campus President or other administrative personnel, who all serve as campus security authorities. Local law enforcement can be reached by dialing 911. Further, it is the policy of the institution to assist any crime victims in reporting such incidents to the authorities and to assist in the receipt of first aid if needed.
If sexual misconduct allegations are reported to local law enforcement, the institution will also conduct its own investigation and outcomes and any outcomes and possible sanctions will be based on that investigation. The Title IX Coordinator will work with local law enforcement to the extent possible to ensure that all complaints have been resolved promptly and appropriately. If you are the victim of any sexual misconduct or if you have witnessed any misconduct of a sexual nature, report to the Title IX Coordinator. If the Title IX Coordinator is not immediately available, you may report the incident to the Campus President or other administrative personnel, who all serve as campus security authorities. They will then report the allegation to the Title IX Coordinator.
The institution has no law enforcement agency or security personnel. If a crime occurs on campus or on property immediately adjacent to campus, all criminal investigations will be conducted by state or local law enforcement, although the institution will continue to investigate complaints to ensure that complaints are resolved promptly and appropriately. The institution requests crime statistics annually from local law enforcement and publishes crime statistics each year to ensure that it is knowledgeable about all of the criminal offenses and arrests that may have occurred on-campus or on public property surrounding the campus. See section 5 for more information.
Victims Rights
If you report that you have been the victim of a crime, either on or off-campus, you have the following rights:
- Possible Sanctions or protective measures may result from an institutional disciplinary proceeding (see below for Disciplinary Proceedings for additional information).
- Follows these procedures in the event of an incident of sexual violence:
- Preserve evidence to the fullest extent possible for proof in criminal proceedings.
- Report the offense to the Title IX Coordinator and to the local law enforcement agency. Should the Title IX Coordinator be unavailable, report the incident to the Campus President or other administrative personnel in the administrative offices. Local law enforcement can be reached by dialing 911.
- Additionally, campus officials will assist in contacting local police authorities immediately, if the victim so chooses.
- You have the right to decline to report to law enforcement.
- You have the right to file a “No Contact” or restraining order. A restraining order or protective order is a legal order issued by a state court which requires one person to stop harming another.
- The institution does not have counseling, mental health or other student services for victims of sex offenses. However, to the greatest extent possible appropriate counselors should be contacted to assist in the receipt of first aid as needed and to assist the victim with his/her emotional concerns. The following is a link to counseling services.
- The institution will make appropriate adjustments to your academic situation regardless of whether or not a formal report is made.
- Your confidentiality will be protected. Any institutional record keeping of the incident will exclude any personally-identifiable information. The institutioncannot guarantee confidentiality on the part of any law enforcementinvestigation if the victim chooses to report the allegations.
Anonymous and Confidential Reporting
If you are the victim of a crime or witnessed a crime, you may consider making a confidential report without revealing your identity. If you wish to maintain confidentiality or request that no investigation into a particular incident be conducted or disciplinary action be taken, the institution will weigh that request against the institution’s obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all students and employees, including the victim. If the Title IX Coordinator determines that confidentiality could jeopardize the institution’s ability to provide a safe, nondiscriminatory environment for all the confidentiality request may not be honored. Also, the institution may not be able to honor the confidentiality request if doing so would violate state or federal law, including responding to a lawfully ordered subpoena.
If the institution does honor the request for confidentiality, a victim must understand that the institution’s ability to meaningfully investigate the incident and pursue disciplinary action against the alleged perpetrator(s) may be limited.
The institution does not have pastoral and or professional counselors and therefore, does not have policies related to pastoral or professional counselors to inform persons they are counseling of any procedures to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics.
The state of West Virginia publishes a Victim Service Directory that provides counseling for individuals that have been victims of crimes. Click on the link below to access this directory. The institution will assist an individual with identifying a counseling service in the area that best suits the individual’s needs.
Institutional Responsibilities in Reporting Crimes and Crime Statistics
If a crime is reported to the institution and that crime meets the definition of a crime that is to be reported to the Department of Education under the Clery Act, the institution will include it in its published crime report. The institution will also contact local law enforcement each year to determine if any crimes not reported directly to the institute should be included with the published crime report. See section 5 for more information about the Clery Act and crime statistics reporting.
Safety Awareness and Crime Prevention
East Ohio College is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for the entire campus community. The campus community will receive notifications, educational programs, and prevention measures annually.
Distribution of Annual Security Report and Statistics
Students, instructional staff, and employees receive copies of the Annual Security Report. Annually, prior to July 1, the Financial Aid Director sends current students and current employees an email notifying them of the availability of the annual Campus Safety and Security Report. The report can be found in the Health and Safety Section of Consumer Information. An Annual notification is also emailed to students and employees and explains where the report is found (and a direct link is included) and gives a summary of the information included in the report.
New and prospective students and new employees also receive a notice of disclosure that gives a summary of all informational disclosures about the institution, including campus safety and security. The institution publishes this information on the school’s website in the Consumer information section and through direct distribution to each individual.
Individuals also have the right to receive this information in paper copy. Contact the Financial Aid Office to receive paper copies of any consumer information, including the annual campus safety and security report.
Prevention Measures
Keeping the campus community safe is everyone’s responsibility. Part of crime prevention is being alert and aware of your surroundings. Here are some ways you can keep yourself and your campus safe:
- Lock your car and always take your keys with you.
- At night, travel with a friend whenever possible and stay in well-lighted areas. Don’t walk near shrubbery or other places of potential concealment.
- Plan the safest route to your destination.
- Share your class schedule with your friends and family and let them know where you are going and when you are expected to return.
- If you are being followed, change direction and go to the nearest business or home; knock on the door and request someone call the police. Note the description of the person following you.
- Don’t overload yourself with bags and avoid wearing shoes that restrict your movements.
- Don’t leave valuables visible in your car and leave highly valuable items at home.
- Keep your purse and or backpack close to your body.
- Never bring any kind of weapon to campus.
- Service your vehicle regularly to avoid breakdowns and always have at least ¼ tank of gas.
Campus Security and Access
The building facilities will be unlocked up to 30 to 60 minutes prior to the beginning of the first scheduled class and shall remain unlocked up to 30 to 60 minutes after the last scheduled class. It should be noted that the last scheduled class generally ends sometime between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. in the evening. Only students, staff, faculty, and their guests will be allowed on the premises during these hours. No loitering will be tolerated. The institution does not have campus residences or any non-campus locations of student organizations.
Students and staff are issued Key Fobs for admittance into the building.
Education Programs
The institution will provide on an annual basis a program of campus security, crime prevention, and drug and alcohol abuse prevention. This program includes a portion specific to the prevention of rape and other sex offenses, which will include discussion of the prevention of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The institution will attempt to get a local law enforcement officer or another expert on crime prevention to assist in this presentation. This program is designed to inform students and employees about campus security procedures and practices and to encourage students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others. The institution does not maintain any off campus student organizations or facilities.
Additionally, new students and employees will receive education at orientation that complies with Title IX and the Violence against Women’s Act. The institution will either utilize in person training, written materials, or electronic depending upon the method that best suits the training environment.
Emergency Notifications
East Ohio College maintains emergency policies and procedures and systems to protect the campus community. An emergency is defined as a situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of someone in the campus community that significantly disrupts the normal course of business. Depending upon the nature of the emergency, the institution will utilize the most appropriate procedure to assess the threat and notify the appropriate segment of the campus community. The content of the notification will depend upon the nature of the emergency. On an annual basis, the institution will test it emergency response and evacuation procedures and make any adjustments if necessary.
Timely Warnings Policy and Procedure
In the event that a situation arises, either on campus or on property immediately adjacent to campus that in the judgment of the Campus President constitutes serious or continuing threat, which is either reported to campus security authorities or local police agencies, a campus wide “timely warning” will be issued. This warning will be issued through the college e-mail system to all enrolled students, faculty, and staff; through news media such as television and radio announcements; and other means suitable for the situation as soon as the pertinent information is available to assess the situation.
An emergency response will be issued if there is a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students and employees occurring on campus.
If you should have knowledge of any emergency or threat to the safety of any individual on campus, you should report the activity to the Title IX Coordinator and to the local law enforcement agency. Should the Title IX Coordinator be unavailable, report the incident to the Campus President or other administrative personnel, who all serve as campus security authorities. Local law enforcement can be reached by dialing 911.
The Campus President and the Title IX Coordinator will assess the emergency or dangerous situation and determine the appropriate segment(s) of the campus community to be notified; determine the content of the notification; and initiate the appropriate notification system unless the issuing of the notification would compromise the efforts to assist a victim, or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency. The decision to issue a timely warning shall be made on a case-by-case basis after consideration of the available facts, including factors such as the nature of the crime, the continuing danger or risk to the campus community, and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts.
Timely warnings are considered for any crime listed in the annual report of crime statistics.
When a determination is made that a timely warning should be issued, the Campus President will take one or more appropriate steps to ensure timely notification of the campus community.
Options for notification include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- Campus-wide e-mails,
- Physical postings on doors and bulletin boards
- News Media such as television and radio
- Postings on the institution website at w
- Postings in the institution’s learning management system
- Postings on social media sources (i.e. Facebook)
The warnings will include some or all of the following information:
- Date, time and location of the reported crime,
- Summary of the incident,
- Description of the suspect and/or vehicle, if available,
- Any other special instructions or incident specific safety tips.
Emergency Planning and Procedures Guide
EAST OHIO COLLEGE has developed and adopted an Emergency Planning and Procedures Guide. This guide can be found as Appendix A of this Annual Campus Security and Safety Report.
Disclosure of Crime Statistics
Originally known as the Campus Security Act, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) is the landmark federal law that requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. The law is tied to an institution's participation in federal student financial aid programs. The Clery Act is enforced by the United States Department of Education.
The institution’s Compliance Officer annually discloses campus crimes, arrests, and referral statistics as outlined in the Clery Act for the past three calendar years. The report is prepared by contacting local law enforcement agencies for a request of statistics related to crimes that have occurred on campus or on public property immediately adjacent to campus. Any crimes reported to campus officials are also included in the report.
List of Crimes Included in the Institution’s Crime Statistics
The Clery Act requires reporting of crimes in categories, some with significant subcategories and conditions. The Department of Education’s provides a detailed explanation of each of the crimes required to be reported.
Campus Locations
East Ohio College reports crimes that occur: (1) on campus, and (2) on public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus. Under the Clery Act, public property encompasses the following: All public property, including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking facilities that is within the campus, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
Campus Crime Statistics
Download the most recent crime statistics published by the institution and reported to the Department of Education. The three most recent calendar years are included.
Weapon Possession
Firearms of any nature, knives, clubs, brass knuckles or other weapons are strictly prohibited on campus. Bringing any type of weapon on campus will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination from school in the case of students and termination of employment in the case of an employee.
Sexual Violence Policy and Prevention
A sex offense is any sexual act directed against another person, forcibly and or against that person’s will; or non-forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is incapable of giving consent. East Ohio College will not tolerate sexual assault or abuse, such as rape (including acquaintance rape) or other forms of nonconsensual sexual misconduct or activity. These acts degrade the victims, our community and society in general.
Refer to the following resource provided by the United States government for information.
If you are the victim of sexual assault or rape, take these actions:
- Get to a safe place as soon as possible.
- Seek help immediately. Contact the police and get medical attention. Don’t feel guilty or to blame. It is a crime and should be reported.
- Try to preserve all physical evidence. Do not shower, wash or change clothing. Valuable evidence could be destroyed. If you think you’ve been assaulted while under the influence of an unknown drug, don’t try to urinate before providing a urine sample and if possible, collect any glasses you drank from.
- If you so desire, the school will assist you in notifying authorities.
- Contact a close friend who can be with you for support.
- Consider talking to a counselor. The state of West Virginia publishes a Victim Service Directory that provides counseling for individuals that have been victims of crimes. Click on the link to access this directory.
Domestic Violence: Domestic violence is a felony or misdemeanor committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim; by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common; by a person who is cohabitating with, or has cohabitated with, the victim as a spouse or intimate partner; by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred; or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from the person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurs.
Dating Violence: Dating violence is violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the reporting party’s statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. Dating violence includes but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse not does not include acts covered under the definition of domestic violence.
Sexual Assault: Sexual assault involves an offense that meets the definition of rape, fondling, incest, or statutory rape as used in the FBI’s UCR program.
Stalking: Stalking is defined as engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress.
Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is defined as the unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual violence is a form of sexual harassment prohibited by Title IX.
Consent for Sexual Activity: Sexual activity requires consent, which is defined as voluntary positive agreement between the participants to engage in specific sexual activity.
Disciplinary Proceedings:
East Ohio College prohibits sexual violence against any member of the campus community. The results of sexual violence against a member of the community could lead to expulsion or employment termination.
In addition to reporting to law enforcement, victims also have the option to seek protective or disciplinary action directly with the institution.
- The standard of evidence under current Title IX guidelines is “preponderance of the evidence” or more likely than not.
- The institution will provide a prompt, fair and impartial investigation and resolution.
- The proceedings will be conducted by officials who receive annual sexual violence training, including on how to conduct an investigation, protect the safety of victims and promotes accountability.
- Both the accuser and accused are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present, including the opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding by an advisor of their choice.
- Both the accuser and accused shall be simultaneously informed, in writing of:
- The outcome of any institutional disciplinary proceeding;
- The procedures for the accused and the victim to appeal the results of the proceeding;
- Any change to the results; and
- When such results become final.
- A student found guilty of violating the institution’s sex offense policy will be expelled from school and could be criminally prosecuted. Both accused and accuser may provide witnesses to the Campus President prior to this decision. The accused and the accuser will both receive the Campus President’s decision, which is final.
- Upon written request, the institution will disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of violence, or a non-forcible sex offense, the results of any disciplinary hearing conducted by the institution against the student who is the alleged perpetrator of the crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the institution will provide the results of the disciplinary hearing to the victim’s next of kin, if so requested.
Education Programs
The institution has in place educational programs to promote awareness of rape, acquaintance rape, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, which includes prevention and awareness for incoming students and new employees, as well as ongoing prevention and awareness for students and employees. These programs include but are not limited to audio visual presentations, power point presentations, written material, bulletin boards, and guest presentations from law enforcement or other experts on the subject.
This education program includes education on topics including but not limited to:
Bystander Education (A bystander has the power to change a situation when the step up and take action)
Risk Reduction (Recognizing the factors involved with sexual violence will help eliminate risk)
Sexual Violence (including Hate Crimes)
Bullying (including Cyber Bullying)
Sex Offender Registry
In accordance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (CSCAMPUS PRESIDENTA) of 2000 which amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Act, the Jeanne Clery Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the institution is providing a link to the West Virginia State Police Sex Offender Registry where information about registered sex offenders can be obtained. This act requires institutions to issue a statement advising the campus community where law enforcement information provided by a State concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. It also requires sex offenders already required to register in a State to provide notice of each institution in that State at which the person is employed, carries a vocation, or is a student. Follow the link to access Ohio’s State Police Sex Offender’s Registry: Ohio Electronic Sex Offender Registration and Notification (ESORN).
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
It is the policy of this institution to maintain a drug alcohol free environment for work and for study. It is also the policy of this institution to provide a program of information to its students and employees in an effort to educate them regarding the detrimental effects of abusing alcohol or using drugs.
Program Requirements
All staff, faculty, and students directly receive material about the college’s drug prevention program. This material includes:
- Institution’s Statement of Drug Free Workplace and Institution of Higher Education. This establishes the institution’s policy of maintaining a drug free environment as well as penalties imposed for violations. It also contains results of the institution’s biennial review and the Student Drug Violation Penalty Notice.
- A description of health and other risks associated with the abuse of alcohol or the use of drugs shall be distributed with the statement in #1 above.
- A listing of rehabilitation, treatment, and counseling programs in the community shall also be distributed with the statement in #1 above.
- A description of Federal, State, and Local offenses and penalties for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol will also be distributed with the statement in #1 above.
- Federal Trafficking Penalties of Illicit Drugs will also be distributed with the statement in #1 above.
- Tips for Preventing Substance Abuse (example 22-6) will also be distributed with the statement in #1 above.
Distribution of Material and Annual Notice
A notice of all material listed above is directly distributed to new and prospective students. Current students receive the material annually prior to July 1. New Employees receive the notice upon hire and current employees receive the material annually prior to July 1.
Biennial Review
The institution reviews its drug and alcohol abuse prevention program on a biennial basis and publishes the results of that review within the program material.
Emergency Planning and Procedures Guide
East Ohio College
Updated July 1, 2024
Emergency Phone Numbers | |
STATE POLICE | 330-424-7783 |
FIRE DEPARTMENT | 330-386-5311 |
SHERIFF | 330-424-7255 |
AMBULANCE | 330-386-5505 |
POISON CONTROL CENTER | 1-800-222-1222 |
AMERICAN RED CROSS | 330-386-4144 |
Department Emergency Contacts | |
Campus President | |
Medical Programs Coordinator | |
Information Technology (IT) | |
Financial Aid |
Building Safety Systems
The buildings at 15258 State Route 170 have the following safety systems:
Alarms – The fire alarm systems in the buildings are activated by manual pull stations, smoke or heat detectors. All alarms are immediately relayed to the local volunteer fire department. Evacuation is required anytime the fire alarm system sounds.
Smoke Detectors – This will immediately activate the fire alarm system throughout the building.
Fire Extinguishers and Pull Stations – Location of Pull Stations and Extinguishers, as well as the types of extinguishers and locations will be reviewed upon hiring of staff and yearly safety in-services. Students will be educated at orientation. Fire extinguishers are located near all building exits.
Manual Alarm pull stations – Pull down to activate evacuation alarm. This will sound an alarm and immediately send an alarm signal to the local volunteer fire department. Never block or obstruct these with furniture or equipment. Manual alarm pull stations are located near the building exits.
First Aid Kit – For minor injuries not requiring medical attention, there is a First Aid Kit located at the Front Desk in Building 1.
Fire Doors-Upon alarm activation, doors must be kept shut at all times, except where devices close doors automatically.
East Ohio College plans for all emergencies that may affect all individuals including but not limited to: Students, Faculty, Staff, Visitors, and the General Public. To better plan and implement emergency procedures, EAST OHIO COLLEGE utilizes a risk assessment matrix when determining an appropriate course of action. This matrix evaluates the situation in the following manner:
Likelihood: Is an estimate of how probable it is for the hazard to cause harm.
Severity: Is how seriously a person could be harmed.
Risk Assessment Matrix | ||||
How likely is it to be that serious | ||||
How Serious could the injury be? | VERY LIKELY | LIKELY | UNLIKEY | VERY UNLIKLY |
Death or permanent injury | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Long term Illness or injury | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Medical Attention & Several Days off/school closed | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
First aid is needed | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
SEVERITY – Is how seriously a person could be harmed. | LIKELIHOOD – Is an estimate of how probable it is for a hazard to cause harm. | |||
Legend 1 and 2: High Risk; deal with the hazard immediately 3 and 4: Moderate Risk; deal with the hazard as soon as possible 5 and 6: Low Risk; deal with the hazard when able |
During an emergency, the emergency planning personnel will take immediate action to implement the appropriate procedures to manage the emergency. These procedures are meant to safeguard persons and property and to secure the facilities.
In the event of an emergency, the Campus President (or other emergency planning personnel when the Campus President is not available) will activate the emergency plan. At the conclusion of the emergency, the Campus President (or other emergency planning personnel when the Campus President is not available) will issue a statement declaring the emergency over, thus allowing the campus to return to normal operating procedures.
In the event of an actual emergency, the Campus President (or other emergency planning personnel when the Campus President is not available) will provide up to date information as long as that information does not impede upon the effectiveness of the plan and risk the safety of any individual. Instruments of communication will include but are not limited to: text messaging, local radio/TV stations, email, voicemail, alarm systems, bull horns, campus speaker systems, or by word of mouth (depending upon the unique circumstances of the emergency)
Building Emergency Evacuation Plan
How to Report an Emergency
Call Up & Calmly State
- Your name
- The building and room location of the emergency
- The nature of the emergency – fire, chemical spill, etc.
- Whether injuries have occurred
- Hazards present which may affect responding emergency personnel
- A phone number near the scene where you can be reached
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 15258 State Route 170, East Liverpool, OH 43920
PHONE NUMBER: 330-385-1070
Building Evacuation
Upon hearing the fire alarm, begin evacuation procedures:
- Keep yourself and others calm
- Quickly proceed outside the building (to the announced “safe location”) using the planned evacuation route.
- Close doors as you leave.
- Instructors take your Attendance Roster with you for a correct head count
- Report immediately to the designated “safe area” located in the student parking lot.
- Check in with Evacuation Warden who will be taking a head count from individual instructors.
- Wait for instructions from emergency response personnel. Do not re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so.
Safe Area Location(s)
Weather Emergency – Middle Hallways, Restrooms Fire Emergency – Rear Student Parking Lot (east side of bridge)
Planned Evacuation Route
South on State Route 170 to State Route 11; North on State Route 11 to State Route 7; North on State Route 7; to the Reception Center (Beaver Local High School)
Evacuation Personnel
Building One
Emergency Announcer: Campus President
Evacuation Warden: Career Management Director
Alternate Warden: Orientation Coordinator
Searcher (Left Side of Building): Medical Assisting Program Director
Searcher (Right Side of Building): Admissions
Building Two
Emergency Announcer/Searcher (Front of Building): Nursing Admin Assistant
Evacuation Warden: Nursing Program Director
Alternate Evacuation Warden: Nursing Faculty
Searcher (Back of Building): Nursing Faculty
Evacuation Personnel Duties
Designated Evacuation Personnel Duties with Alternates per Area. If there are not enough personnel to fill all the roles, roles may be doubled where appropriate. A flashlight will be provided in case of a power failure. Evacuation Personnel should never be placed in imminent danger.
- Evacuation Announcer Duties:
- Announce any disaster to all areas
- Use the Bull Horn that has been provided if there is no intercom system in the building or if the system is not functioning to make announcement
- Report to the Evacuation Warden
- Evacuation Warden Duties:
- Supervise assembly of Evacuation Personnel in the area.
- All Searchers check in with the Evacuation Warden to report "all clear" or problems.
- Report to the Command Center, if areas were unable to be searched due to lack of personnel.
- Ensures all people from the area proceed to the designated meeting place to check in and wait for “all clear” to re-enter the building. “All Clear” will come from the Command Center.
- Reports any and all problems to the Command Center.
- Command Center will be Fire Department Command Vehicle.
- Alternate Evacuation Warden Duties:
- Takes the place of the Evacuation Warden if the Evacuation Warden is not present at the time of the event.
- If the Evacuation Warden is present, the Alternate Evacuation Warden will assist the Evacuation Warden as needed.
- Searcher(s) and Alternate Duties: Maybe more than one depending on the size of the area to be searched. Area should be searchable in 3 minutes or less.
- Check all rooms including restrooms, conference rooms and remote areas, closing all doors behind them.
- Advise if any remaining employees or other persons on the floor about the emergency and the requirement to evacuate.
Fire Emergency
If you discover fire, or see smoke, do not panic. Call 911 or pull the nearest fire-pull box and proceed with the following:
Remove/Relocate individuals away from danger, if possible, without endangering your safety.
Activate Alarm: Pull fire alarm at pull-box, and/or call 911.
Confine/Contain fire and smoke by closing doors and windows.
Extinguish fire only if trained and fire is small, using nearest fire extinguisher.
Evacuate by nearest safe exit.
Do not run, Crawl if overwhelmed by smoke.
If you hear the fire alarm, or are informed of a fire, EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!
Follow instructions for the building evacuation plan.
Check door with the back of your hand, to ensure it is cool before opening.
Walk quickly – Do Not Run – follow your instructor out of the building to the designated safe area.
Instructors lead your students to the designated safe area
Instructors are to take their Attendance Book With them. Emergency lighting will activate when the alarm is pulled.
Instructors take attendance once at the safe area and report to Evacuation Warden.
Severe Weather Policy
In the event that a snowstorm or other inclement weather presents a risk to our faculty, staff, students, or visitors traveling to or from the campus, the Campus President and Academic Dean will make a determination about whether to close the campus, delay opening, or initiate an early release. This determination will be made based on weather forecasts and the advice of public safety personnel.
The closing of the campus is a procedure that differs depending on the timing of the decision to close and the expected length and severity of the weather incident. The essential factor in the decision is the safety of our faculty, staff, students, and visitors; however, severe weather affecting only a limited number of students or staff generally will not result in a campus closing.
In the event of a closing or delay, the College will notify students via the following mediums.
- Local TV and radio stations
- Post an Alert in the Learning Management System (LMS)
- Post on college social media channels (e.g. Facebook)
If a tornado or a severe thunderstorm WARNING has been issued in an area which includes the campus:
- Students, staff and visitors should move to safe areas immediately
- Close classroom, laboratory and/or office doors
- Instructors move your students to designated safe areas and take attendance book with you
- Remain in safe area until warning expires or until the all-clear has been issued
Designated Safe Areas
Fire: Rear Student Parking Lot (east side of bridge)
Weather: Inner hallways, restrooms.
Hazardous Materials
Incident occurs in school:
- Notify Campus President or Management Team Member.
- Call 911. If the type and/or location of hazardous material is known, report that information to 911.
- Evacuate to an upwind location taking class roster. Instructors take attendance after evacuation.
- Seal off area of leak/spill. Close doors.
- Fire officer in charge will determine additional shelter-in-place or evacuation actions.
- Shut off heating, cooling and ventilation systems in contaminated area to reduce the spread of contamination.
- Campus President or Management Team Member notifies corporate.
- Resume normal operations when fire officials approve.
Incident occurs near school property:
- Fire or law enforcement will notify Campus President or Management Team Member.
- Consider closing outside air intake, evacuating students to a safe area or sheltering students inside the building until emergency passes or relocation is necessary.
- Fire officer in charge of scene will instruct Campus President or Management Team Member on the need for sheltering or evacuation.
- Follow procedures for sheltering or evacuation.
- If evacuating, instructors take class rosters and take attendance after evacuation.
- If evacuation is not ordered, be aware of and remain alert for any change in health conditions of students and staff, especially respiratory problems. Seek medical attention if necessary.
- Resume normal operations when fire officials approve.
Medical Emergency
Life–threatening injury or illness, or death:
- Notify office staff/building administrator to make emergency calls. If unable to reach office immediately, call 911. Work as a team.
- Give full attention to the victim(s).
- Do not attempt to move a person who is ill or injured unless he/she is in immediate danger of further injury.
- If possible, isolate the affected student/staff member. Disperse onlookers and keep others from congregating in the area.
- Check breathing. Is the airway clear? Is the victim in a position to facilitate breathing?
- Help stop bleeding.
- Applying pressure on wound or elevating wound may help stop or slow bleeding.
- Protect yourself from body fluids. Use gloves if available.
- Check for vital signs. Initiate first aid, if you are trained.
- Comfort the victim(s) and offer reassurance that medical attention is on the way.
- After immediate medical needs have been cared for, remain to assist emergency medical services personnel with pertinent information about the incident.
Non-life-threatening injury or illness:
• For all non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries, communicate with Campus President, Management Team Member, or the front desk.
- In case of traumatic medical emergency or death at school:
- Notify Campus President or Management Team Member.
- Notify emergency contact persons listed in victim’s file.
- Activate post-crisis procedures if necessary.
- In all other medical emergencies, assess individual’s need for post–crisis intervention.
Bomb Threat
Critical information:
- Schools are responsible for assessing bomb threats to determine credibility.
- All bomb threats must be taken seriously until they are assessed.
- The decision whether or not to evacuate rests with the school, not the responding agencies, unless a device is located.
Procedures upon receiving a bomb threat:
Lockdown Procedures
One means of securing the school is to implement lockdown procedures.
These procedures may be called for in the following instances:
- Lockdown with warning – The threat is outside of the school building. The school may have been notified of a potential threat outside of the building.
- Lockdown with intruder, shooter, or other internal threat – The threat/intruder is inside the building.
Lockdown with warning procedures
- Campus President or Management Team Member will order and announce “lockdown with warning” procedures. Repeat announcement several times. Be direct.
- Bring people inside.
- Lock exterior doors.
- Clear hallways, restrooms, and other rooms that cannot be secured.
- Pull shades. Keep students away from windows.
- Control all movement, but continue classes. Move on announcement only.
- Campus President or Management Team Member will announce “all clear.”
Lockdown with intruder procedures (these actions happen rapidly)
- Campus President or Management Team Member will order and announce “lockdown with intruder.” Repeat announcement several times. Be direct.
- Immediately direct all students, staff, and visitors into nearest classroom or secured space. Classes that are outside of the building SHOULD NOT enter the building. Move outside classes to primary evacuation site.
- Lock classroom doors.
- DO NOT lock exterior doors.
- Move people away from windows and doors. Turn off lights.
- DO NOT respond to anyone at the door until “all clear” is announced.
- Keep out of sight.
- Campus President or Management Team Member will announce “all clear.”
Some other threats may override lockdown, i.e., confirmed fire, intruder in classroom, etc.
Lockdown may be initiated in non-threatening circumstances to keep people away from areas where there may be a medical emergency or disturbance.
Shelter–in–Place Procedures
Sheltering in place provides refuge for students, staff and the public inside the school building during an emergency. Shelters are located in areas of the building that maximize the safety of inhabitants.
Sheltering in place is used when evacuation would put people at risk (i.e., tornado, environmental hazard, blocked evacuation route).
Shelter areas may change depending on the emergency.
- Identify safe areas in each school building.
- Campus President or Management Team Member announces that students and staff must go to shelter areas.
- Bring all persons inside building(s).
- Instructors take class rosters.
- Close all exterior doors and windows, if appropriate.
- Turn off ventilation leading outdoors, if appropriate.
- Instructors account for all students after arriving in shelter area.
- All persons remain in shelter areas until a Campus President, Management Team Member, or emergency responder declares that it is safe to leave.
If all evacuation routes are blocked:
- Stay in room and close door.
- Keep air as clean as possible.
- Seal door.
- Open or close windows as appropriate.
- Limit movement and talking in room.
- Communicate your situation to Campus President, Management Team Member, or emergency officials by whatever means possible.
Communication of Emergency Information and Instructions
Emergency conditions occurring during business hours will require expeditious communication of instructions to faculty, staff, and students. Uncertainty and confusion should be prevented or minimized, and the protection of lives should be paramount over all else.
Instruments of communication will include but are not limited to: text messaging, local radio/TV stations, email, voicemail, alarm systems, bull horns, campus speaker systems, or by word of mouth depending upon the unique circumstances of the emergency. In the event of an actual emergency, the institution will provide up to date information as long as that information does not impede upon the effectiveness of the plan and risk the safety of any individual.
Media Procedures
All staff should refer media contacts to the Campus President.
- The Campus President serves as media spokesperson unless he/she designates a spokesperson. If spokesperson is unavailable, an alternate assumes responsibilities.
Media checklist:
- Campus President or Management Team Member relays all factual information to superintendent and public information person.
- Establish a media information center away from the affected area. Consider:
- Media need timely and accurate information. However, protect the privacy of staff and students when necessary and justified.
- Media will want to be close enough to shoot video footage and photographs, but they should not be allowed to hinder responders.
- Before holding a news conference, brief the participants and coordinate information.
- Determine the message you want to convey. Emphasize the safety of students and staff.
- Engage media to help distribute important public information. Explain how the emergency is being handled.
- Respect privacy of victims and families of victims. Do not release names to media.
- Update media regularly. DO NOT say “No comment.” Ask other agencies to assist with media.
- Maintain log of all telephone inquiries for future use.
All students, faculty, and staff will be provided a direct notice explaining the content of this plan and where is can be retrieved at under the Consumer Information link. A student or staff member can request a hard copy of the plan from the Financial Aid Office. This plan is Appendix A of the Campus Security Report.
The campus community will participate in drills which are conducted annually at a minimum. This plan is also reviewed for all new students during the Orientation process.
Staff and Faculty that are part of the Emergency Plan Team will be required to review the plan and understand his role in the plan. The annual drill will serve as “on the job training” which will prove critical in the event of an actual emergency.